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Helping You Create a Tailored Financial Plan


Your Guide to Comprehensive Financial Planning

Financial planning includes taking an in-depth look at your financial situation and creating a plan that helps you reach your goals. Our financial planners understand the many moving parts inside your financial plan, including preparing for retirement, reducing risks and taxes, and helping you understand your personal finances.

<span style="font-weight: 400;" data-mce-style="font-weight: 400;">Why Financial Planning Is Important</span>

Why Financial Planning Is Important

Financial planning for individuals is probably the most important thing you can do for your future. With a financial plan customized for your needs, you’ll be on track to reach your financial objectives and lifestyle goals. Whether you need help with retirement planning or wealth management, our financial advisors work tirelessly on your behalf, using comprehensive financial planning backed by our expertise and experience.

The Main Elements of Your Financial Plan

We customize your financial plan to meet your current financial situation, needs, and goals. What we include in your financial plan depends on your objectives, timeline, and risk tolerance. Here are some examples of services we offer while financial planning:

  • Develop a retirement strategy
  • Create a risk management plan
  • Work on a long-term investment plan
  • Employ tax reduction strategies
  • Create an estate plan
  • Protect your loved ones and your assets

We create your financial plan with you to help you protect your assets and build wealth. We emphasize financial literacy throughout the planning process, providing you with the financial education you need to make the best decisions for your situation. Our holistic approach to financial planning is unique to every client. We also provide financial planning for businesses and entrepreneurs. 

Whether you engage us to increase your personal savings or hire us for investment management services, we build your financial plan around your personal and financial goals and your core values. We’re here to answer all your questions regarding your finances so you can better prepare for your future.

Comprehensive Financial Planning Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Should I Be Saving?

How much money you need to save depends on your financial situation and your goals. Most sources recommend saving 10 to 15% of your income for retirement. If you want to retire early or finance a trip around the world, you may need to save more. How much you need to save also depends on how much time you have left until retirement. 

Am I on Track to Retire?

Without knowing your specific situation, we can’t answer this question. It depends on the size of your assets, when you want to retire, and what your living expenses are. Call us to schedule an appointment with one of our advisors, and we’ll be happy to determine if you’re on track to reach your goals.

How Does My 401(k) Work?

A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement plan that allows you to contribute pre-tax income. Therefore, any money you contribute to your 401(k) up to the maximum allowed under IRS guidelines reduces your taxable income. The investments then grow tax-deferred until you retire and start withdrawing income. The income from your 401(k) is then taxed as regular income. 

Why Do I Need to Consider Insurance with My Financial Plan?

Insurance is an important aspect of financial planning, because it serves as a protection for you, your family, and your assets. For example, life insurance can replace your income if you happen to pass away unexpectedly, and long-term care insurance protects your assets when you have medical expenses not covered by insurance. 

What Is the Difference between Asset Allocation & Diversification?

Asset allocation is the breakdown of your investments into the different classes. For example, you may have real estate, stocks, bonds, and other financial assets. Diversification is all about not putting all your eggs in one basket, which would be investing only in one type of company or industry. Proper asset allocation considers your time horizon and risk tolerance, while diversification is important to reduce your overall investment risk.

Contact Us to Create Your Personalized Financial Plan

When you work with our financial advisors at Kylén Financials, Inc., we create a personalized financial plan that helps you meet your goals. We also take pride in providing you with the information you need to make the best decisions for your financial future. Call us today to schedule an appointment and create your financial plan!